Sunday, January 20, 2013

We are in the home stretch in our fast only two days left.  I hope we all have grown closer to the Lord during our time of dedication to Lord.  In these last few days remain strong in your commitment God will meet you in your faithfulness.  What has God been impressing you to do to walk in his favor this year, to walk in his double portion this year.  Today we taught to obtain favor here is a brief outline.

I. The first way that favor is unleashed in your life is by, “ you’re desire for wisdom!”                                                       
II. Secondly, Diligence creates favor!                                                                                                                                    
III.Thirdly,An understanding heart attracts favor.                                                             IV. Fourth, appropriate and right words often generate favor from those around you.                                                                                                                                                                                      V. Fifth, Humility generates favor.                                                                                        VI. Sixth, An uncommon skill or anointing often creates favor!                                                                                                  
VII. Repentance brings favor!                                                                                               VIII.  Last, favor increases when you associate with people of integrity!                                                                          

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